Narrabri West Public School is situated on the south western edge of the town. The school has the advantage of having a Pre-School. In part the goals and directions at Narrabri West Public School state that we aim to develop an environment in which:
- children are valued as individuals
- their abilities and talents are identified and furthered
- they experience the support of their peers
- they are not disadvantaged by any form of discrimination
- parental involvement is encouraged
- good relationships are modelled
- the children feel safe.
Narrabri West has expansive playing spaces with 4.5 hectares of playground, track and field facilities, cricket nets and netball courts. It also has an extensive technology network with all classrooms networked and a classroom emphasis on integrating ICT.
If you would like further information about Narrabri West Public School please call into the office and ask for a copy of the school handbook or explore our website. Alternatively you are very welcome to make an appointment with the principal to visit our school.
Each child has access to an incredibly wide range of academic, sporting, cultural and creative arts opportunities. We offer our students a world of opportunities and challenges.
The parents, school and community that make up our school work together to create an atmosphere of pride, compassion and success. Each person knows that are part of a very special team.
Our school is situated beside the Newell Highway on the outskirts of Narrabri an attractive setting surrounded by open space. We have magnificent ovals and grounds. Our gardens, outdoor facilities and general classroom resources are second to none.
Narrabri is situated 560 km north west of Sydney on the Namoi River. To the east of Narrabri is Mt Kaputar National Park. There you can see a mixture of rugged mountain peaks, steep gorges and vegetation including snow gums, grasses. Marked walking tracks and excellent facilities have been provided for visitors to the park.
The Namoi River is the lifeblood of the cotton industry, providing valuable irrigation water for the crops that are grown along its entire length as it makes its way through Narrabri Shire. Mining is the biggest growth industry in Narrabri presently and our school is growing as we see the welcomed arrival of many new families to our school and town.